Chaffee Recreation Adopters helps you care for all the lands you love.
Help us address fast-paced growth in outdoor use. Problem solve and achieve in our mission for healthy lands and quality recreation.
Already a Rec Adopter?
Access the QUICK START Guide Here
If a visitor arrives at a clean, well-maintained area,
they are more apt to help keep it that way

Our goal is to:
- Increase your ability to be an effective steward of our outdoor resources.
- Create a collaborative culture around managing recreation use.
- Keep our beautiful outdoors clean, fun and wild, now and into the future.
As an Adopter you can:
- Be the eyes and ears and record info in our mobile app
- Help clean up, ensure safe campfires and steward trails
- Join group activities and volunteer on your own
Become a Chaffee Rec Adopter
Rec Adopters have the opportunity to Adopt a favorite recreation area, whether it is a trail, a trailhead, a city park, or a dispersed camping area on public lands.
Adopters steward their area at least twice a year by using the Rec Collector App to log volunteer actions and report any additional actions needed by the land agency (BLM, Forest Service, or local government).
(Note: Many adoption zones are large, we don’t expect you to monitor the entire area. Pick a road or some sites within the adoption zone that work with your time and locality.)
Visits to public lands grew 50% since 2020

Join Us & Take Action!
The Chaffee Rec Plan has many strategies, and empowering volunteers like you is one of them. By joining us, you are contributing to these additional important outcomes:
- Clean quality camping on all lands.
- Get the right human resources and critical infrastructure such as restrooms & signs.
- Encourage better behaviors through education, engineering and enforcement.
- Contribute to a shared community culture that helps keep our lands clean, fun and wild, now and for future generations.
Upcoming Events
Chaffee Rec Adopters is brought to you by the Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA) and Envision Chaffee County in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area and Colorado State Land Board. It is funded by these partners, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) and Chaffee Common Ground