With this quick guide you’ll learn how to add new campsites to our database!
Note: open this page on your device for the best experience.
Step 1: Download the New Campsite survey and map, and Campsite Condition Survey
On a computer: Open Survey123 and click the QR Code reader in the search bar and scan the QR Codes below.
On a mobile device: Click the QR code and open in Survey123 when prompted. It will take you to the app and download the survey.
New Campsite Survey
For recording new campsite locations and conditions.
Note: This survey requires an additional download detailed belowSurvey Installation

Download the New Campsite Offline Map
Once you have downloaded the Survey123 app, open the app on your device.

Open the new campsite survey and click on the options button on the top right hand corner.

Select “Offline Maps.”

Click on the download icon to download the CC_OFFLINEMAP file to your mobile device.
Step 2: Perform a Survey
Start with the Field Maps app when going out into the field to monitor campsite conditions and perform actions.
Open Field Maps
Select The Rec Adopter Campsites Map

Click on the Rec Adopter Campsites map icon.
Get GPS Location

Press the location button on the top right corner to see the nearby campsites.
Select the Right Campsite

Once the proper campsite is selected, the pull-up menu contains links that will allow you to either perform a condition survey or an action survey.
Select Survey and Open Survey123

Select the survey you want to perform and the campsite’s unique identifier is automatically passed to Survey123 so that the site can be tracked over time.
Step 3: Add a New Campsite
For new sites, you will use the New Campsite Survey (green) directly within Survey123 and not through Field Maps.
Open Survey123
Survey123 app home screen

Open the new campsite survey directly within Survey123.
Survey123 app home screen

Click on the “Collect” button to record the new site.
New Campsite Location

- When collecting a new site, you will first create a point from that location. All other questions are the same as the campsite condition survey linked in Field Maps.