If you always stay ready, you never have to get ready.
Wildfires spread quickly, and when it comes time for an evacuation, you may not have time to prepare from scratch.
In Chaffee County, where wildfire threat is prevalent, it is important to:
Always be prepared!
- Keep half a tank of gas in your vehicle. This can ensure you will make it out of town safely.
- Keep your phone charged. Without your phone, receiving emergency alerts may be difficult, in turn putting your safety at risk.
- Have important items in one place. Documents such as passports or legal papers can be good things to grab when evacuating; keep them all in one place to make this a fast process.
When evacuating from a wildfire, practice being able to leave in under five minutes, especially if you have children. This can ensure your family will be prepared to move fast and get out when needed.
Now that you are prepared to leave, check out Step 5 to understand the importance of knowing your evacuation route!
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